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PRESENT Mrs Perry (Chairman), Cllr Buttenshaw, Cllr Agate, Cllr Sides, Cllr Sturmey and Cllr Girard

APOLOGIES Cllr Dale, Cllr Bond, Cllr Frost and Cllr Gould

MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING - 24 November 2015 were signed by the Chairman

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Sturmey declared an interest in planning application 15/11750/FUL 10, Knook Village, BA12 0JG Installation of underground tank in front garden relating to full drainage (retrospective). Applicant Mr & Mrs James




15/11470/TCA The Willows, 1 Cotley Place, Heytesbury BA12 0HN. T1 Acer fell, T2 Acer fell, T3 Fir fell, T4 Fir fell. 24 November 15 meeting: Object


15/11890/TCA Mayo House, Tytherington Rd, BA12 7AB. T1 Conifers reduce by 10 ft, T2 Fell 2 Ash trees, T3 Willow-pollard to approx 10 ft T4 Fell 5 fruit trees. Comments by 29 Dec 15. Object to felling healthy trees: No Objections to pruning or reducing, emailed to WC 18 Dec 15

15/11832/TCA Parsonage House, Tytherington Rd, BA12 0EG. Beech tree T1 in NE corner of garden: remove large lower lateral that extends over the road, crown raise to 4 metres and reduce to 2 metres. Comments by 30 Dec 15 No Objections, emailed to WC 18 Dec 15

15/11750/FUL 10, Knook Village, BA12 0JG Installation of underground tank in front garden relating to full drainage (retrospective). Applicant Mr & Mrs James. Comments by 11 Jan 2016 No Comment

15/12789/TPO Overstream Hse, Mill St, Heytesbury, BA12 0EE. T3-Willow tree-remove heavily weighted limb over river, reduce tree by approx 30% and crown raise to approx 3.6m Comments by 2 Feb 16 No Objections

15/12788/TCA Overstream Hse, Mill St, Heytesbury, BA12 0EE. T1-Plum tree-fell T2-Leylandii-fell. Comments by 2 Feb 16 No Objections

15/12787/TCA Church of St Peter & St Paul, Heytesbury, BA12 0EF. Fell four Yew trees. Comments by 2 Feb 16 No Objections

16/00035/TCA Brindle Hse, Mantles Lane, Heytesbury, BA12 0HJ. T1 Norway Maple reduce and reshape crown by 30% T2 Whitebeam fell. Comments by 2 Feb 16 Cllrs discussed taking a closer look at this application before commenting

15/12515/FUL 42C, High St, Heytesbury, BA12 0EA. Carport/shed. Comments by 8 Jan 16 No Objections


15/10428/TCA Little Orchard, Newtown, BA12 0HN. T1 Maple-re-pollard to previous pruning points. T2 Crab Apple-fell. T3 Whitebeam re-pollard at various pruning points. T4 Apple tree-fell. No Objections

15/10790/TCA Church of St Peter & St Paul, Heytesbury, BA12 0EF. T1-Yew Tree-crown raise to approx 12ft and reduce approx 5-6 limbs to reshape. T2 Yew Tree-crown raise to approx 12ft. T3 Yew Tree –reduce approx 10 limbs to reshape. T4-Yew Tree-reduce weight on limb over path. No Objections

15/11223/TCA Yew Trees, 33 Chapel Road, Heytesbury, BA12 0HA. T1 - Lime tree. Carry out a high Pollard, reducing the tree to approx. 12ft above the main fork of the tree, (roughly the height of the Beech trees in next doors garden). No Objections

15/11832/TCA Parsonage House, Tytherington Rd, BA12 0EG. Beech tree T1 in NE corner of garden: remove large lower lateral that extends over the road, crown raise to 4 metres and reduce to 2 metres. No Objections


HEYTESBURY ESTATES The winterbourne water drainage ditch in Park Lane Heytesbury is blocked by leaves and debris, and some residents are sweeping leaves into the drainage ditch near the Park Street entrance. The residents of Park Lane are worried because if the water flow is blocked it could cause flooding as it did last winter 2014/15. I wrote to Heytesbury Estates three times last year (2015) and they assured me that the problem would be dealt with. The last letter I sent dated 27 Nov 15 was also copied to Wilts Council Danny Everett. The Chairman, Cllr Perry also asked Danny Everett if Wilts Council/Highways were responsible for the culvert under the bridge which runs from Salisbury Plain, under the A36 and into Park Street and then into Park Lane. His reply dated 2 Dec 15 as follows:

Quote...I have spoken to Highways England and they are going to look at their culvert on the A36

It may be blocked due to the ditches and watercourses in the area being block and it will scour out when the work is done upstream and downstream. They hopefully will get back to me next week. Regards Danny…unquote

Cllr Buttenshaw reported the Winterbourne water course was blocked at the Slaters Farm Bridge with apples and leaves. Cllr Girard volunteered to speak to the residents of Park Lane/Park Street to clarify the situation regarding dumping garden waste into the watercourse. Clerk to write to Heytesbury Estates again and to Danny Everett of Wilts Council. Also Clerk to write to Wilts Council regarding the culvert under the A36 bridge as Cllr Girard stated the watercourse on the Salisbury Plain side of the village is getting blocked with fallen trees and debris.

Cllr Buttenshaw stated the dog waste bags were full outside Peter Firth’s house but the others throughout the village were empty. Cllr Perry to speak to Cllr Dale regarding replacing the bags.

HEYTESBURY DIFIBRILLATOR GUARDIANS GROUP RAISING MONEY FOR THE DEFIBRILLATOR Cllrs discussed the future raising money for the Defibrillator. Cllrs Agate and Sturmey agreed to investigate sources of funding for the future costs of the village defib. Cllrs also discussed the Parish Council could make a donation in the future too.

Cllr Perry stated she has a possible supply of speed restriction stickers for residents to put on their bins or gate posts to kindly remind drivers of the 30mph speed limit throughout the village.

HORSES IN RAILWAY FIELD See email Q below. Parish Councillors received an email from a parishioner complaining of the overzealous horses in the Railway Field. Cllr Buttenshaw reported that she too had been charged at on Mon 11 Jan 16 by the same horses whilst walking across the field. Cllr Perry to contact WC regarding public rights of way and safety. Cllrs agreed to do nothing until the Chairman had sought advice from WC. Clerk is to write to the owners of the field after the Chairman has been advised by Wilts Council.

VIA EMAIL – sent to all Cllrs

via email – sent to all Cllrs

a) WC: Warminster Western Area Planning committee Agenda 16 Dec 15

b) WC: Warminster Western Area Planning committee minutes 16 Dec 15

c) WCllr Newbury: Briefing note 271 Oil & Gas licensing

d) WCllr Newbury: Briefing note 270 Consultation on surface development restrictions

e) Cllr Perry: TPO

f) WC: Jacqui Abbott Dementia friendly community

g) WC: CATG Mtg 16 Feb 16

h) WC: Neighbourhood Plan statement

i) WC: Planning App 15/11890/TCA

j) WC: Spatial Planning Policy

k) WALC: Garden Party

l) WALC: New Audit regime SLB (Sector Led Body for auditor procurement) opt in or out

m) WC: OFWG meeting 16 Dec 15

n) Wilts Gov, Adrian Hampton: Local Highways Dec newsletter

o) Parlaiment UK: Andrew Murrison visit request declined for 29 Mar 16

p) Cllr Sturmey: TPO

q) Rev Anne Bennett-Shaw: Horses in the Railway field footpath 10 galloping at people


As at 12 January 2016 the Current Account stood at £7270.68 and as at 12 January 2016 the Deposit Account stood at £10775.43


Cheques for January 2016:

001012: Clerk’s Salary £508.12 for Dec 15 and January 16

001043: Heytesbury School £20.00 hire of hall for Jan 16

001044: Victim Support £50.00 donation


VICTIM SUPPORT DONATION REQUEST. Cllrs agreed to donate £50.00 to Victim Support

NEW AUDIT REGIME. SLB (Sector Led Body) for auditor procurement. Stay in or opt out. Cllrs agreed to stay in.

LET’S CLEAN FOR THE QUEEN from (m) correspondence

We’d love to have the support of your council and your communities in the biggest ever clean-up of the country, which will be taking place in March 2016. In the run up to The Queen's 90th birthday on 21 April 2016, ‘Clean ForThe Queen’ aim to inspire a million people to take action and enjoy a few hours together litter-picking to make the places where we live more beautiful. For Her and for us all, they want to attack the blight of litter and reclaim our beautiful countryside, our fabulous cities, our world class parks, our wonderful beaches and waterways. All of the litter charities across the

country have come together in support of this campaign together with a growing range of companies, land managers and associations.There will be ‘Clean for The Queen’ litter blitzes throughout the UK in January, February and March, and the most monumental of all litter clear-ups from Friday 4 to Sunday 6 March 2016.‘Clean For The Queen’ love to have your support in making this event truly spectacular. They will shortly be sending through a downloadable resource pack for your council to use. It’d be great if you could encourage as many local community groups as possible across your wards to sign up to organise a clean-up through the ‘Clean for The Queen’ website. Furthermore, it would be fantastic if your council could stage its own local clean-up to allow individuals to come together and clean up a local grot spot.Lots more will be announced over the coming weeks and months, as it builds a head of steam.But it’d be great if you could respond to indicating your willingness to engage in the campaign – and they will be back in touch shortly with more details. Clerk to reply Cllrs wish to participate in this

Cllr Sturmey reported the Chitterne junction again to WC Jacqui Abbott as she did not receive a reply from last time. Cllr Sturmey also reported the very muddy footpath between Heytesbury & Knook. Cllr Sturmey also stated there seemed to be discrepancies on the Wilts Council TPO (Tree Preservation Order) site as it was not clear which trees in the village had TPOs on them. Cllr Sturmey to request information from WC to clarify the position.

Cllr Agate stated he was keen to nominate ex Parish Councillor Tim Reynolds for attendance at the Queen’s Garden Party. Cllr Agate to start the application process

Cllr Buttenshaw enquired about the progress on SHLAA (STRATEGIC HOUSING LAND AVAILABILITY ASSESSMENT "SHLAA site" – Heytesbury Sports field nominated for building land by Trustees of GT Sassoon Trust). See also minutes of Extraordinary Meeting 6 Aug 15. Cllr Perry stated no decision had been made yet

Cllr Buttenshaw reported the poor state of the footpath 7 near the river on the Mantles Lane side of the village. Cllr Perry agreed to ask Cllr Dale to possibly obtain some gravel and fill in the muddy footpath with the help of Cllr Bond and Cllr Agate

Cllr Agate stated he is concerned about the lack of response by Wilts Council regarding the broken window in the bus shelter outside Heytesbury School.

Cllr Sides reported there are lots of old discarded road signs littering the banks of the A36. Cllr Girard suggested they both pick them up together.

Cllr Sides produced a leaflet with information on contacts for residents who wish to complain about vehicles parked in their street and blocking access for emergency services. Cllr Perry to scan the document to all Cllrs.

Cllr Girard stated her concerns regarding accessibility of the sandbags. Cllr Perry replied she had a supply of empty bags and sand could be obtained by the Flood Warden Cllr Dale.

VISIT BY ANDREW MURRISON MP. Cllrs were very willing to meet up with Andrew Murrison, but so far the Clerk has not been able to secure a date for the meeting. March 29 2016 was refused because of the Easter holidays. Clerk to contact Andrew Murrison’s Secretary to request another meeting date for Tues 26 April 2016.

After signing the following cheques the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm


Cheques for January 2016:

Clerk’s Salary £508.12 for Dec 15 and January 16: Cheque No 001042

Heytesbury School £20.00 hire of hall for Jan 16: Cheque No 001043

Victim Support £50.00 donation: Cheque No 001044





Wiltshire Council and its partners are still working together to tackle flooding and ensure the most vulnerable in communities are supported following recent wet and windy weather. Communities are being asked to let the council’s adult social care teams know if they are concerned about any vulnerable people who are affected by flooding or any other issues following the bad weather. The number to call is 0300 456 0105. For more Info from Wiltshire Council take a look at their latest newsletter.







The Warminster Our Community Matters website has been set up to provide local people with an interactive notice board everyone can use.  We would like you to make this website your first port of call to post local news, events, have discussions and find out local information about your area. 




 Warminster Area Board, meets around eight times a year, and give people a chance to raise issues and ideas that are important to them. These meetings are usually held at 7pm at Warminster Civic Centre and everyone is welcome to attend. The board brings together Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police, Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, the military, housing associations and local town and parish councils. The aim is to help find ways to strengthen Warminster and make it more resilient, also to give funding.

Agendas and minutes use the link below 
























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